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Contact Sara at to see  how our wellness programs can be tailored to achieve the specific needs of your Airport.   And watch this site for new ideas to reduce stress and improve your health!

Newsletters  |  Tips and Advice for Healthy Traveling  |  Social Media Updates

Nutrition and Fitness Presentations  |  Employee and Passenger Wellness Programs  Health Screenings  |  Health Goal Consultations

In today’s world, wellness is rapidly becoming a priority.  GPI’s Chief Wellness Partner and Nutritionist, Sara Goldberg, is raising the bar in this arena through initiatives that promote a healthy lifestyle at home and at work, for our family, friends and clients. As we strive to help airports succeed through efficient planning, design and operations, Sara will augment our technical services with practical advice about making healthy choices.  GPI is proud to help improve the well-being of your employees, passengers and tenants through:

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